L, Germination and outgrowth of spores, and vegetative bacteria.
Chains of vegetative bacteria (c) breaking out of excreted food vacuoles (v),
surrounded by live T. pyriformis cells loaded with spores (t)
R, Sporulation of newly formed B. thuringiensis susbsp. israelensis
(see, Manasherob et al., Appl. environ.. Microbiol. 64: 1750-1758, 1998)
Chains of vegetative bacteria (c) breaking out of excreted food vacuoles (v),
surrounded by live T. pyriformis cells loaded with spores (t)
R, Sporulation of newly formed B. thuringiensis susbsp. israelensis
(see, Manasherob et al., Appl. environ.. Microbiol. 64: 1750-1758, 1998)